Editor-in-chief of the quarterly magazine and content creator
A quarterly magazine, published in October 2019. The theme of this issue was “Freedom”, celebrating 30 years after the Velvet revolution. As a promotional and community magazine for the venue Nádvorie, we created 95 pages of interviews, imagery and stories.
Interviews included
Peter Lančarič (photographer), Martin Macko (organiser Dúhový Pride Bratislava), Sofia & Ashley (ecoligical activist), Jana H. Hoffstädter (writer and publisher)
Other content
30 years of freedom in Trnava, Nádvorie Kampus and its new inhabitants, Freelancers: Are they really free?, News from Kumšt
Editor-in-chief: Zuzana Fajta
Contributors: Zuzana Fajta, Mirka Hlinčíková, Magdaléna Švecová, Mária Šmiňáková, Nikola Kozmová
Photography: Peter Lančarič, Zuzana Fajta, Michal Babinčák, Archív Západoslovenského múzea v Trnave
Ilustration: Barbora Demovičová
Typeface: ORFF_Michael Dolejš
Graphic design: Michaela Novosadová, Zolo Kis
Copies: 1500 pcs
Check the magazine on issuu (slovak only).